Yoshimaru and Rica Higa
This is continued from the last blog we introduced already.
Let us explain more about our activities and divine works.
Before that, let us remind you that we will be holding our study meeting in Fukushima tomorrow (March 25). Please join us, if you can. We will appreciate it.
The Place We Have Visited and Prayed
We have chosen important spots for prayers.
These places are linked with the nature of the entire Japanese Archipelago. They are the spots where the “power of the nature” is clearly apparent and showing. The mountains, the seas, the fields, the rivers, the sea currents, the air currents, the plates, the volcanoes, the active faults, the tectonic lines and so on are these spots. We also visited and prayed at many shrines and temples. We also visited and prayed at many nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities. We also visited and prayed at many big cities and towns. All of them were told to us to visit and pray by revelations.
We were concerned with the areas where possible infections and epidemics may take place. So we visited and prayed at the rivers, gulfs, lakes, towns, airports, ports and so on.
We have been told many things by revelations and it is not possible to tell you all about them. Likewise it is impossible to tell you all about what we have prayed at these places we visited and prayed.
We Will Never Cease Our Praying Pilgrimages
Many people are saying many things after the horrible disasters and accidents that happened last year in Japan.
There are people who we have trusted in doing what we should do.
And some of them acted completely opposite to what we have hoped for.
Some sought “total destructions of the world”, “the ascension”, “the total fall of the economic systems” and “more earthquakes and wars”. They argued that it is quite natural that they happen.
They argued that it is quite all right even if they happen because “the ascension” can help all the people. They argued that it would be better off that the Mt. Fuji actually erupts. They argued that it is quite natural that bigger earthquakes happen. They argued that they are the will of our God.
So many undesirable feedbacks reached us.
One of them even referred to our own activities and divine works. They argued that it would be better for us to stop our divine works once for all.
We never yielded to this argument. We did continue doing our divine works. The reason is very simple. We believed and we still believe that it is our mission to continue our divine works to make all of us happier. Our divine works are for keeping all the living beings on this heavenly Earth alive and viable.
The Joint Ceremony with the Mayan Elders and the Will of Our God
The forthcoming Fire Ceremony with Don Alejandro, high Mayan priest, of Guatemala is part of the will of our God.
As I introduced you before, it was the will of our God for a long time. It was so 50 years ago when my late mother, Hatsu Higa, was doing her divine works.
Some say about the TIME, December of 2012, according to the Mayan prophecy. This, again, is already told to us by revelations that the most important task for us is to let all the living beings to keep living, particularly our children. It is for our future.
We have done what we could do. The below is only part of them.
●We have introduced you what we heard by revelations as much as we could.
●We faced the realities.
●We never gave it up and tried to see what we can do for making our own future.
●We have sent you all kinds of information through our activities and study meetings by distributing pamphlets, blogs and videos.
Our intention was to find how we can unite as one to prevent disasters and crises.
Our answers were real activities to appeal to the people. It took the following actual forms.
●activities to secure good food----we started the circle of good food by acquiring good and healthy food by detoxifying bad materials.
●activities to secure security and safety---we started the circle of life and happiness by holding many ceremonies and actions.
●activities to unite together for realistic actions---we started the circle of MIROKU (peaceful and most desirable world) by recruiting associate and cooperating members.
All of them were told to us to do by revelations.
When these activities go together with our divine works in good harmony, we can see better openings for better future. Things will start good for all of us.
What about our Future?
According to the revelations, the big war was said to start in 2015. Now it is changed in 2017. Things seem to be changing. We never wish that such a war becomes real.
There is one more serious vision that we are seeing.
It is about the influence of radiation to the suffered children and their young parents.
One year has passed since the disasters and accidents of March 11 of last year. Now we need to cope with it more seriously. It is urgent.
We are ready to start anew. We will be reorganizing our circle of prayer once again. We should go back to the starting point once again to see ourselves more clearly. We will reconsider what we should do about our activities once again.
Soon we will be welcoming Don Alejandro and his wife, Ms. Elizabeth Araujo from Guatemala. We are planning to publicize what Don and we will talk about the revelations, infections, epidemics and so on when ready. We will let you know about them one by one in details.
In Okinawa, we are having the ceremony of “beach descent”. It is the occasion for purification. The Mother God of the land, the Mother God of all the life will pray for you from the east. The purification means not only that of individuals. It is also for the world at large.
We will be praying in the east for all of us.
We will be praying in the east for all of us to keep all our beings alive and viable.
We will be praying in the east for all of us to be in the calm, peaceful and quiet world.
We hope that you will pray together with us.
Thank you.