Yoshimaru and Rica Higa
Thank you for your cooperation as always.
Today, we are sending you the words of God that Rica Higa she received.
We will be reporting on the divine works to be done in Guatemala, in Central America soon.
The Words of God (September 26)
By having the eyes of seeing and listening, you can see and hear things deep.
By understanding all of them, you can go on a good way to a good future.
You can do it no matter how hard it is to find a good way.
You can find the way by combining the present and the future.
You should build the signs for the good way on your own.
You should build the signs for the good way by and with your willpower.
You should be the one who show others the good way to the good future.
You should be the one who make and leave signs for you followers.
You should be the one who will create the future.
Words of God (September 27)
Try to think about yourself in the nature.
You are in the nature whatever the surroundings may be.
You are in the nature wherever you may be.
You are living and growing in the nature on this star called the Earth.
You are born on the Earth.
You are in the nature and among the nature.
You should know that it will be very important to keep all the living lives.
You should know that all the living lives have been protected and kept for long.
You should know that keeping life is the most important of all.
You should know that keeping life is helping the future of this star.
Now look at the way in front of you.
It is an important way for you.
Look at it once again and go that way.
Try to build a better future by living together with the nature, with all other living beings, and with this star.
Keep doing it.
Divine Works in Guatemala, Central America
Now let us tell you about our trip to Guatemala for divine works in this coming October.
We are going to dedicate many good-luck charms in Guatemala. If you wish to have them, contact the following.
In our prayers in Guatemala, we will receive the words of Gods and guardians there. We will dedicate the good-luck charms there, too. We will be praying for the local Gods and the spirits. If you wish us to bring your words, we will do so.
There is a story telling that the Mayan Calendar will end either in 2011 or 2012. It is a fabricated story. We will not be bothered by such a fabrication. We will be praying for you and your family.
We will be praying there so that we can get good pieces of true information from the local Gods, the guardians and the spirits.
We will be praying for the leaders of business firms for their future. We will be hoping the better future for them as well.
Thank you.