I am Angaangaq, and I come from Greenland, the land of the Big Ice. Your people came and visited my homeland in July 2009. They prayed as the Sacred Fire once again returned to the land of the people at the Top of the World. It was an honor to receive such distinguished guests as Rica and Yoshimaru Higa to commemorate that once again the trees are growing, as they did long ago, so long ago that no one knows the time. We would use seal oil lamps for cooking, for warmth and light. But now, once again, we have light and warmth from the fire made from mother earth.
Mother earth is changing and the Big Ice is melting badly. In 2009 people from around the world came together in Greenland in the circle which has no beginning nor ending, in which we all belong. And we all heard how the ice was speaking, ice blocks falling off every 20 minutes or so, thundering as they exploded, shaking the earth on which we walked, slept, prayed and celebrated.
My grandmother says: The easiest ice to be melted is the ice on the ground, the hardest ice to be melted is the one in the heart of Man. Only by melting the ice in the heart of Man does Man have a chance to change and begin using his knowledge wisely.
And so my prayer for you, the people of the rising sun, is that you will learn to melt the ice in your hearts. For with your help we will all have a chance to change and begin using our knowledge wisely.
In Unity,
Angaangaq - The Man Who Looks Like His Uncle.